Thursday, August 16, 2007

FoDreams.Com Starts Affiliate Program

Many of our members have asked us if there was any way they could make money supporting and promoting our community. So, FoDreams.Com began its own membership affiliate program. Visit to sign up as one of our affiliates for free. When you become an affiliate for FoDreams.Com, you help FoDreams.Com grow and you also insure it will continue to assist women in business with support, resources and promotional capabilities. We also hope this new program will generate you a lot of money.


MissDazey said...

Hello Deb,
I have been having a delightful time looking through your sites today.
Women & Business

Deb Nyberg said...

I'm glad you find the sites worthy of your professional time. We try to make all our interactive sites have purpose, make a little money and maintain growth. It is for business women such as you that we work everyday trying to make it better. If there is anything we don't have that you were looking for, please let us know. We'll do our best to research it and provide the necessary tools.

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